The Session embarked on a discussion of how to best launch the two visioning projects prioritized by the congregation in recent individual interviews and town hall meetings and reported by the Ad Hoc Visioning Committee. Tentative plans call for establishing a leadership team to tackle the housing and food insecurity initiative first, then perhaps eventually creating a similar model for the mental…
Here is a summary of M&LO activity from January to March. Local Mission•The committee is gearing up for the Rebuilding Together build that will take place Saturday April 29. This will help improve lives of the disabled, veterans, elderly, and low-income families with children in Howard County who can no longer afford to keep up with repairs. CMPC is a sponsor again…
The Session met as part of the Officers’ Retreat on Sunday, March 19. The Session voted unanimously to express sincere gratitude to the members of the Ad Hoc Visioning Committee for the hard work and dedication involved in designing and seeing the visioning process through to its conclusion—a report presented to elders and deacons at the retreat. The Session is committed to…
The elders and deacons of CMPC held their annual retreat the weekend of March 18-19 at the church. The retreat, which is traditionally held in January, was postponed to March to allow the Ad Hoc Visioning committee more time to complete the visioning process and put together a report—which became the focus for the weekend. The group gathered at 9:00 am Saturday…
Dear friends,Last month, CMPC joined in service once again with our community partners in support of theGrassroots Cold Weather Shelter. The Cold Weather Shelter is a partnership with faithcommunities and the Howard County government, and provides overflow shelter fromNovember through March. Traditionally, congregations host the shelter for one or two weeksand provide volunteers for transportation, meals, laundry and to work shifts in…
The Session approved the 2023 budget and it will be presented at the Congregational Meeting on Sunday, Jan. 22 after worship. The congregation will vote on the 2023 Pastor’s Terms of Call following the presentation. All church members are urged to attend. In other business:
The Session agreed to schedule a Congregational Meeting after worship on Sunday, Jan. 22 for the purpose of presenting the 2023 budget, which the Session plans to approve at its monthly meeting on Jan. 16. Households that have not yet pledged are asked to give immediate consideration to giving, as 16 fewer have done so thus far as compared to last year.…
The Session agreed to hold a Congregational Meeting after worship service on Sunday, Nov. 13 for the purpose of electing officers to serve on the Session and the Board of Deacons in the Class of 2025. In other business: