Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Blog (Page 6)

Proposed Changes to CMPC Bylaws

At the January 31, 2021 congregational meeting the session will present the following motion to the congregation: The session of CMPC recommends changing the language of the church by laws in two places (both in section 7 of Article V). The current wording is as follows: “The Corporation and the Trustees The Session is also the Board of Trustees.  The Board of…

Summary of the Jan. 11, 2021 Session Meeting

The CMPC Session approved the 2021 Operating Budget for presentation, along with the Pastor’s Terms of Call, for a vote by church members at a Congregational Meeting to be held after worship service on Sunday, Jan. 31. Details for joining this meeting are included in the Friday enews. Special recognition for their behind-the-scenes work was given to longtime church accountant Annette Hinkle…

CMPC Support for the Cold Weather Shelter in 2020-2021

The Cold Weather Shelter (CWS) is a partnership with the Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center, the faith community, and the Howard County government to provide shelter to those families and individuals who are in need of a warm place to stay during the colder months of the year.  CMPC was the “host” congregation from the evening of Monday, December 28th through lunchtime on…

Star Words

Last year, we started a new tradition at CMPC of receiving star words for Epiphany. Epiphany, celebrated on January 6, marks the end of the twelve days of Christmas and the visit of the Magi recorded in Matthew 2:1-12. The wise men followed a bright heavenly body (usually represented by a star) and traveled great distances to offer their gifts to the…

Summary of the Dec. 21 Session Videoconference Meeting

The CMPC Reopening Task Force will meet Jan. 12 with a goal of formulating a recommendation on the building closure for presentation to the Session at its Feb. 15 meeting.  The building is currently closed through March 1. In other announcements: On behalf of Christ Memorial Christian Preschool, Pastor Scott Hoffman notified the Session that the school’s board has voted to remain…

CMPC Advent Luminary Walk

What started as a way for the Christian Education committee to connect with Boy Scout Troop 75 during the pandemic, became the start of a new annual CMPC tradition. Supervised by Dave Rose, the scouts created the pathway of 200 luminaries, hand-cut by the Gallagher family. The Property Committee (Tito Baca, Don Kyle, Mike Chapasko,…

Summary of the November 16, 2020 Session Videoconference Meeting

At its monthly meeting held on Monday, November 16th, the Session approved the CMPC Reopening Task Force’s motion to extend the building closure through March 1. Any changes to state or county governmental policy will be monitored in the interim. In other business: CMPC groups meeting on the grounds are now required to adhere to the more stringent county restrictions on the…

Summary of the October 19, 2020 Session Meeting

The Session supported the decision of the CMPC Reopening Task Force to review the building’s current closure status with Pastor Hoffman after he returns on Nov. 1. In other news: The Stewardship Committee is collecting adjectives that describe CMPC from the congregation in order to build a “word cloud” as a lead-in to this year’s Stewardship Campaign, which will kick off Oct.…

Ahli Hospital in Gaza

Dear All, This is a short video about one of the global mission projects that we support in Gaza, one of the poorest and most under-served places in the world.  Life there is very difficult and Ahli is an expression of Christ’s love in a verychallenging place to live, Hope you enjoy.


What has happened? In November 2017, the Women for Women group of Christ Memorial Presbyterian Church “adopted” a homeless mother and five children. By February 2018, the desire to assist this family evolved into CMPC partnering with the national Bridge of Hope program to help support the family in their journey to stability. At that time, a Neighboring Volunteer group of seven…