Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Summary of the October 19, 2020 Session Meeting

The Session supported the decision of the CMPC Reopening Task Force to review the building’s current closure status with Pastor Hoffman after he returns on Nov. 1.

In other news:

  • The Stewardship Committee is collecting adjectives that describe CMPC from the congregation in order to build a “word cloud” as a lead-in to this year’s Stewardship Campaign, which will kick off Oct. 25 and end with Pledge Sunday on Nov. 15.
  • Virtual celebration of communion is expected to take place Nov. 1 with Pastor Hoffman, putting us back on our first Sunday of the month schedule. Confirmation and details to come.
  • Due to covid-19, the Cold Weather Shelter run by Grassroots Crisis Intervention will not be hosted this winter by a network of churches that includes CMPC. Overnight guests will be put up in area hotels instead. Other particulars, such as meal preparation, are still being discussed.