Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Blog (Page 19)

Worship with Trinity Presbyterian

This past Sunday (June 12) members of the CMPC family joined brothers and sisters of Trinity Presbyterian church for a joint worship service of unity and reconciliation.  The service was held at Trinity Presbyterian on Walbrook Avenue in Baltimore.  Prior to the service the members of Trinity graciously served a delicious lunch which provided opportunity…

Musical Treats and Sweets

On June 5th, over 100 CMPC members and friends of all ages attended the 11th Annual Treats and Sweets fundraiser. This event helped CMPC LOGOS raise funds for our high schoolers and adult leaders to attend the GenOn Youth Summit in Wheeling, WV this summer. This year, the theme of Treats and Sweets was “time”. The…

Ministry Expansion Plan Update

It has been a little while since we last shared an update on the ministry expansion plan, but we assure you we are moving forward—even if slowly at times.  Here is what has happened since the last update: As you may well have heard we will host a public hearing on June 22nd at 6…

Reverend Hoffman Attends Festival of Homiletics

One of the integral parts of my terms of call each year is time and financial resources set aside for me to continue my education.  Over the years I have used that time and those monies to attend different conferences as well as spend time with colleagues in ministry.  These times have been informative and formative and my time away last week…

Stop Hunger Now

This past Saturday, May 21st, friends and members of CMPC of all ages gathered to package meals with Stop Hunger Now. Over the course of four hours, over 100 adults and 18 children measured ingredients, weighed bags, and packaged 20,000 meals to be shipped all over the world to children and families in need. In…

Rebuilding Together Howard County, April 2016

Last weekend, behind our fearless leaders Wes Millard and Bill Anderson, a group of CMPC volunteers and their friends came together to delight one very appreciate home owner, Mr. Greene. The tasks that were on his wish list included fixing a toilet that was sitting on rotten flooring, reattaching a loose handrail and giving two…

Spring Clean Up at CMPC

Our Spring Clean-up on Saturday, April 23rd was another huge success. We were able to complete multiple projects on the church grounds to get ready for summer, despite the rain. Almost the entire property was mulched including the new areas in the Serenity Garden and the hill by the playground. Landscape edging was placed around our new…

April Women for Women

This month we gathered at Rebecca Spain’s home for a discussion on nutrition and some fitness demonstrations.  There was a range of ages – four young mothers up to a few grandmothers – and even a few new faces.  Rachel Wade opened the gathering with a prayer for our health.  We began in small groups,…

TBT- A Trip Back in Time!

Our Music Director, Joy Exner, found a CMPC New Beginnings newsletter from the fall of 1993! At the time, our new pastor Howard Newman wrote about the new beginnings in the life of the church. Revisit old memories of Stephen Ministry, Youth Club, the Bowling League, and more! See how Scouting, Bible Studies, and the Preschool…

Presbyterian Missionaries Visit CMPC

CMPC’s new partners in mission work, The Reverend Michael Weller and his wife Rachel visited our church this past weekend. The couple serves in Ethiopia with the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY). Reverend Weller led us in Sunday service with a very powerful sermon of Christ-like love and the fulfillment of God’s promise. After…