Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Blog (Page 3)

Summary of the Sept. 19 Session Meeting

The Session received an update to the ongoing humidity issue in the Sanctuary that led to the removal of pew Bibles and the use of dehumidifiers. While other in-house steps have been taken and are helping to mitigate the problem, proposals from two contractors detailing how they would resolve the issue were sought and one has been received. Pastor Scott Hoffman noted…

Red Cross Blood Drive

We had a very successful blood drive. From 31 appointments,  we were able to collect 26 units of blood, 1 above our goal! From those donations, there may be up to 78 lives saved. Thank you to all who donated and who helped with the blood drive.

Summary of the August 15, 2022 Session Meeting

The Session voted to make masks optional in the church building until further notice to align with Howard County government and school system policies, while pledging to respond to any pertinent updates to covid-19 guidance that may occur. Masks will still be required in the nursery. In other business: The Christ Memorial Christian Preschool board recently voted to support optional masking for…

Summary of the June 20, 2022 Session Meeting

The Session approved a motion that should the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention upgrade or downgrade its weekly covid-19 community level rating for Howard County, CMPC will automatically adhere to the CDC’s accompanying guidance on wearing masks. A mask mandate will be instituted in the building when our community level is rated as high; conversely, the mandate will be dropped when…

Rebuilding Together Howard County

Rebuilding Together did amazing work on a home in Elkridge April 29 and 30.  Fifteen CMPC volunteers including youth participated in the most ambitious project to-date. Led by house co-captains Wes Millard and Josh Gliptis the team completely renovated the ground floor bathroom, power washed the exterior of the house, installed a new ceiling fan,  painted the awnings and mailbox, and did a lot of weeding and gardening in the front yard. This was…

Summary of the May 16, 2022 Session Meeting

The Session approved a motion that should the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention upgrade its current covid-19 community level rating for Howard County from medium to high, CMPC will automatically institute an indoor mask mandate as recommended by the CDC. In other business:The Session approved a motion from the Property Committee to permit the serving of wine and beer on CMPC…

Summary of the April 25, 2022 Session Meeting

The Session accepted an invitation from the Presbytery for CMPC to host the Sept. 8th Gathering, with details to come on the army of volunteers that will be needed for that event. The church will also host, but not organize, a Presbytery training session on dismantling racism on June 2. In other business: Pastor Scott Hoffman announced that the visioning committee held its…

Summary of the March 21, 2022 Session Meeting

The Session voted unanimously to lift more covid protocols, including reopening all pews on March 27 and permitting worshipers to once again move about the Sanctuary during the Passing of the Peace starting April 3. Passing of communion trays in the pews was approved to resume April 3 or May 1, depending upon availability of preparers and servers.  In other business: A…

Ukraine Update

Pastor Hoffman recently received a message from Dick Barnes (US Army Retired and former Scoutmaster) who for many years worked with the Association for Christian Conferences Teaching and Service. Until his retirement, he travelled frequently to Ukraine and surrounding countries to help military Christian leaders form vibrant Christian fellowships. The Mission and Local Outreach Committee has supported his ministry. The update is from Valentin Korenevich who heads…

Summary of the February 21, 2022 Session Meeting

The Session voted unanimously to maintain the church’s current COVID protocols for the time being – including a mask requirement and keeping every other pew cordoned off, among other policies – while committing to actively monitoring the rapidly evolving trends in Howard County data in the interim, with an eye toward quickly updating our protocols to align with positive news as it…