Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Race & Racism in America Discussion

Will you join us for our fourth and final conversation (Thursday, October 8 at 8:30pm) on this series of online gatherings on race and racism in America, hosted by the Christian Education Committee of CMPC? This has been a helpful forum to have an important discussion on what racism means to us on a personal level and how we might respond individually and as a church. There is a sub-theme each month, with articles to read that form a basis for the conversation, led by church members Chris and Nileena Woodland. Approximately 50 people have joined us at least once and we average about 25 people each Zoom meeting. Some share stories of growing up (or raising children) in Columbia (or elsewhere) and others sit quietly and take it all in. We’ve had all-group discussions and some small group break-outs. All respectful, supportive and honest.

We have begun to talk about “what’s next?” and know that change must begin from within on a personal level. And then where do we go next to put our faith into action to bring about more positive change? Part of those “next steps” may be for further study and conversation.

Join us on Thursday, Oct 8 by signing up HERE. The topic is “Colorblind vs Colorbrave.” You will not be put on the spot to talk. You will have a safe space and time to share and process with CMPC friends if you are so moved. May God continue to bless this conversation. May we continue to model the love of Christ to one another. May the Spirit continue to blow through our intertwined lives.