Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

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2017 Officer’s Retreat: A Personal Reflection

This past weekend I had the privilege to spend Friday and Saturday with a great group of people – Pastor Scott and the other members of Session and Deacons of our church. The fact that we were away from our homes and normal routines, at the Bon Secours Retreat Center, allowed us to focus on what had brought us together – the…

A December Recap from CMPC Preschool

CMPC Friends and Members, It is my hope as the new director at Christ Memorial Christian Preschool to help the church family and preschool family become better connected. One way I plan to do that is by sharing monthly with all of you the exciting and fun happenings at the Preschool. I pray that you…

PILP Presentation

The Finance Committee has been hard at work for months researching numerous borrowing options for our Ministry Expansion Plan. At the session meeting on Monday, November 21st the Finance Committee presented a final proposal that we finance the funds we need through the Presbyterian Church Investment & Loan Program (PILP). The session agreed unanimously and…

Merry Music and Mission

Christ Memorial’s “Merry Mission and Music” was a wonderful afternoon enjoyed by our largest turn out yet for a GIFT event. Our Christian Education, Fellowship, Worship, and Mission committees collaborated to provide a time for all generations to pack hygiene kits for those in need, enjoy a scrumptious ham lunch, and to learn about and sing Advent and Christmas songs. Following the…

LOGOS Sunday Photo Recap

On November 13th, CMPC celebrated LOGOS Sunday, an annual event during which participants in our LOGOS program lead worship! The program is a mid-week inter-generational experience for children and youth. LOGOS can be found in churches all over the US and Canada under the umbrella of GenOn Ministries ( Every Wednesday from October through March, about 165 children and adults gather here…

An Update from the Stewardship Committee

How wonderful it was on Sunday, November 6th to participate with the entire congregation in walking forward, at the end of the service, to place our Estimate of Giving cards and Time and Talent surveys in baskets. I don’t know about anyone else, but I truly felt God’s presence and blessing as I looked at…

November Update from Rachel Weller

Hi Friends, Its been a month and more since I’ve communicated with anyone except my kids back in the States.  About a month ago I wrote a blog about trying to get our internet system set up – the system we had left in storage is now outdated and cannot be used in this country; we bought the new mobile wi-fi system,…

September Session Summary

At the September 19th meeting of the Session Pastor Scott Hoffman provided an update on the Ministry Expansion plan status and in the process reminded the Session that CMPC is coming up on the one-year anniversary of the 2015 capital campaign. Pastor Scott also shared that he and Bob Jenkins, chair of the Ministry Expansion committee, hope to meet soon with Howard…

Walking the Labyrinth

This past Saturday morning, the women of CMPC gathered in the outdoor worship space for fellowship and to walk the labyrinth. Liz Perraud shared the following with the women before walking the labyrinth: A labyrinth is a path which leads, via a circuitous route, to the center of an intricate design and back out again.…

Appreciation from Music Director Joy Exner

A heartfelt thank you to these people who blessed us with the Word in Music this summer! Kathryn Schatz on violin w/Rachel Wade on piano offered Goin’ Home, (tune was Largo from Dvorak’s New World Symphony) The congregation honored our country by singing God Bless America (by Irving Berlin) Maren Stubbs sang Praise the Name of Jesus and Praise, I Will Praise…