Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Blog (Page 20)

Presbyterian Missionaries Visit CMPC

CMPC’s new partners in mission work, The Reverend Michael Weller and his wife Rachel visited our church this past weekend. The couple serves in Ethiopia with the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY). Reverend Weller led us in Sunday service with a very powerful sermon of Christ-like love and the fulfillment of God’s promise. After…

Earth Day –Care for God’s Creatures

A Message from the Stewardship Committee Earth Day, on April 22nd each year, is a day for us to celebrate the wonders of God’s creation and to recommit ourselves to being good stewards of the many blessings we enjoy because of God’s love for us.  For 2016, the PCUSA’s Earth Day theme is “Care for God’s Creatures.”  In Genesis 1:26, God grants…

April GIFT

Last Saturday evening a little more than forty people from the youngest to the oldest gathered for our latest GIFT (Generations In Faith Together) event to share a meal, watch a movie and have conversation. We watched “Up,” a movie about Carl, a 78-year old balloon salesman who takes off on a fantastic journey of a lifetime with an unlikely companion–a young…

Ministry Expansion Plan Update: March 23, 2016

We continue to make progress on the ministry expansion plan.  Last week the Ministry Expansion Committee voted to partner with Whiting Turner construction group to serve as our general contractors for the project.  They are excited to work with us and will be joining our architects (Charles Alexander Designs) and Civil Engineering firm (Fisher, Collins,…

The Amazing Grace Race

It was a great joy and privilege to present The Amazing Grace Race musical with about 40 Logos K-5 children (including a special appearance by the preschoolers).  We are especially thankful to The Band – Jennifer Seinfeld (pianist and “band leader”), Andrew Exner (bass guitar), and Don Wade (drums); our Sound Tech, Neil Danzig and…

Use Amazon to Donate to the CMPC Building Fund!

Did you know you can donate to the CMPC Building Fund through your Amazon orders? For your regular Amazon purchases (whether or not you have Amazon Prime), use Amazon Smile! Go to instead of It is the same site (still Amazon) – the only difference is that at, Amazon will donate 0.5%…

Hotter Than Thou Chili Cook Off

Christ Memorial Presbyterian Church participated in the 6th annual Hotter Than Thou Chili Cook Off to benefit Bridges to Housing Stability, an organization hard at work on preventing homelessness in Howard County. Lucas, Noah, Yeketenesh, and I were thrilled to represent our church at this cook off held at the Church of the Resurrection in…

Ministry Expansion Plan Update- March 3, 2016

Well, it certainly has been and continues to be a busy week for the Ministry Expansion Committee.  The committee is a little more than halfway through interviewing General Contractor companies and hopes to be able to choose the one that will lead us through the project within the next few weeks.  The committee is also…