Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Blog (Page 12)

Ministry Expansion Plan Update for January 24, 2019

Here’s what has happened in the last week: The first coat of skim coat has been applied to the ceiling of the sanctuary (save the portions over the choir loft—which will require a special boom lift) Framing out of the exterior walls on the upper level of fellowship hall has been completed All of the windows in the rooms under Fellowship Hall…

Ministry Expansion Plan Update for January 17, 2019

Here’s what has happened in the last week: More of the railings on the upper level of fellowship hall were removed as were the walls to the storage area behind fellowship hall Special thanks to the elders and deacons who lent a hand last Saturday in clearing out that storage area! Framing work started on the new exterior walls of fellowship hall…

Cold Weather Shelter

With CMPC under construction, Howard County’s Cold Weather Shelter was hosted at Merriweather Post Pavillon by Grassroots and coordinated by Jeff Seymour during the week of December 17-24.  The shelter served 26 guests including 16 men, 7 women, and 3 children in 2 separate families.  There was a total of 79 different volunteers, including one large group,from BSA Troop 1997 with 21…

Ministry Expansion Plan Update for January 10, 2019

Here’s what has happened in the last week: The trench for the electrical ductbank has been backfilled The north entrance of the new driveway was cut out Super silt fencing (the chain link fence with black plastic) was installed around the property (where required by state law) The lock was installed on the new doorway at the base of the ramp leading…

Ministry Expansion Plan Update January 3, 2019

“Out with the old” has been the theme of the work that has taken place on the Ministry Epxansion plan most recently.  The airhandler, boiler, and air conditioner units are now all gone; as are many of the shrubs and bushes and a few trees around the premises.  We are sad to see some of these things go, but it is all…

Ministry Expansion Plan Update December 13, 2018

Work continues on the Ministry Expansion Plan.  This week the ceilings in the downstairs entryway, downstairs hallway, and upstairs lobby (outside the elevator and top of the stairs) were demolished to allow the electrician to trace old and new electric service (see pics).  In addition, the switchgear was delivered.  (In an electric power system, switchgear is the combination of electrical disconnect switches, fuses or circuit breakers used to control,…

A Farewell to Bill Gretsch

On Sunday, December 9th CMPC bid farewell to brother in Christ, Bill Gretsch.  Bill has been a part of the CMPC family for over 50 years.  He served CMPC as an elder, a chair and member of numerous committees including the evangelism and building committees, an active volunteer with the LOGOS ministry, and in many, many other capacities.  Bill is moving to be…

Weller’s News from Gambella, Ethiopia

Africa is full of centuries old ethnic rivalries. Our corner of Ethiopia, the Gambella Region, is no different. The land of Ethiopia nestles up against small rivers that mark the very porous national borders separating it from South Sudan. The borders were drawn on papers in Europe by people who had no intention of setting foot on that harsh grassland abuzz with…

Thanks to the Property Committee!

The Property Committee gathered for dinner at Tito Baca’s home to celebrate another successful year of hard work at CMPC. These individuals give endlessly of their time, energy, resources, and know how to patch, mend, and fix all that needs attention in and around the church, often without much fanfare. At this time of the year when we give thanks for all…