Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Blog (Page 10)

Ministry Expansion Plan Update for May 23, 2019

Here’s what has happened in the last week: The baseboard was installed in the sanctuary Work continues on the new site lights in the parking lot The storm drain between Shaker Drive and the church was installed The stairs closest to the sanctuary and the wooden exit stairs out of Fellowship Hall have been removed Sprinkler installation continues in the Shaker Drive…

Ministry Expansion Plan for May 16, 2019

Here’s what has happened in the last week: Work has begun on the new site lights in the parking lot The storm drain between Shaker Drive and the church building is being installed Work has begun on demolishing the stairs closest to Fellowship Hall, the wooden exit stairs, and the windows in Fellowship Hall Sprinkler installation continues in the Shaker Drive addition…

Ministry Expansion Plan Update for May 9, 2019

Here’s what has happened in the last week: The concrete for the stairs in the new entrance was poured The walls were cut for the new passageways between the downstairs hallway and the new Shaker drive addition, between the lower level of the new Shaker Drive addition and the old choir robing room, and between the upper level of the new Shaker…

CMPC Participates in Rebuilding Together Howard County

On Saturday, April 27th nine members of CMPC participated in the Rebuilding Together Howard County workday.  Led by team leader Brent Jones, Philip Davies, Glenn Del Favero, Maddie Del Favero, Josh Gliptis, Scott Hoffman, John McPherson, Wes Millard, and Michael Schreiber worked a full day to complete multiple projects around the home of our “neighbor” Mary.  Projects included: replacing a toilet, replacing a…

Ministry Expansion Plan Update for May 2, 2019

Here’s what has happened in the last week: The drywall in the new entrance was completed Work has begun on the stairs in the new entrance The floor protection in the sanctuary was removed and the carpet thoroughly cleaned The sheathing was added to the new Shaker Drive addition roof The new light switches were installed in the sanctuary The windows were…

Ministry Expansion Plan Update for April 25, 2019

Here’s what has happened in the last week: New lights were installed in the sanctuary Framing of the new exterior and interior walls in the Shaker Drive addition is complete The roof trusses were added to the Shaker Drive addition Hardie board was installed on the exterior of the new entrance and on the exterior of Fellowship Hall The foundation for the…

Ministry Expansion Plan Update for April 18, 2019

Here’s what has happened in the last week: New lights are being installed in the sanctuary More steel beams were set in the Shaker Drive addition Framing of the new exterior and interior walls in the Shaker Drive addition is underway Hardie board is being installed on the exterior of the new entrance and on the exterior of Fellowship Hall The foundation…

An Update from the Wellers

“Not my will, but God’s. Not my life, but Christ living in me.” That’s the mantra Michael has chosen to say daily, and even more often, during this season of Lent. Today he was repeating that to himself as he walked to teach a class of Third year (of three years) students at the Many Pingy (pronounce the y’s as consonants, not…

Ministry Expansion Plan Update for April 11, 2019

Here’s what has happened in the last week: Painting is complete in the sanctuary Drywall is up in the new entrance.  Steel beams were installed in the Shaker Drive addition The floor trusses were added to the Shaker Drive addition (and plywood sheathing is going down today) The old windows in Fellowship Hall on the parking lot side of the church have…

Ministry Expansion Plan Update for April 4, 2019

Here’s what has happened in the last week: Waterproofing was added to the new Shaker Drive addition walls Painting is underway in the sanctuary and should be complete soon Insulation has been added to the new entrance.  The slab for the new Shaker Drive addition was poured Stone was laid along the new driveway A temporary door was added to the new…