Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Summary of the June 21, 2021 Session Meeting

The CMPC Session voted unanimously to approve a request from the Christ Memorial Christian Preschool to reopen its doors for the 2021-2022 academic year.

In other business:

  • The Session unanimously approved the removal of 89 names from the church’s membership roll after a months-long outreach effort by several groups and individuals. This action will reflect a more accurate count of active members, thereby reducing our annual per capita payment to the Presbytery. The church will maintain a record of these former members, allowing them to request a change in status at a future point if desired.
  • Two dates were announced for the church’s Third Capital Campaign, which is mandated by the terms of our mortgage with the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program. Vision Sunday will take place on Oct. 24 and Commitment Sunday on Nov. 21. More details will be shared in upcoming weeks.
  • Pastor Hoffman announced that he and Ashlee are currently planning to take their pandemic-deferred sabbatical trip to Italy and Malta from July 27 to August 7.