Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

33rd Year of LOGOS:Christ-centered Community

Year 33 of LOGOS at CMPC wasn’t to be deterred by a pandemic. What an amazing bunch of creative, committed, and faith-filled adult leaders, children, and youth that made it happen. Brought it to life! Thank you Lindsey Kim for leading us through as our LOGOS Director.

Sure, there were a few bumps along the way (the stuff for memories, right?) but there were also adults who zoomed in from out of state if they moved, were traveling, or in college (FL, NC, PA, CO…) and high schoolers (and their leaders) who met outside every week no matter the weather. Snack bags instead of dinner and a bustling kitchen. Written and recorded prayers and artwork for online worship instead of choirs or bells in the sanctuary. Youth Sunday but no retreat. Recreation in the parking lot and Cahoots in Zoom breakout rooms. Bible study with and without video on.

Mission? Sure! We started a future church garden with painted rocks for now. Christmas gifts for a special family.

Closing song and prayer–we can reach out and pretend to hold hands through those Brady Bunch squares, can’t we? And wow, how easy it is to get attention in a room full of people with a mute button!

Fire pits, pumpkin carving, senior sermons, chalk drawings, circles of chairs, masks, snow, third grade Bible presentation. Name That Tune, table time talk, extended Family Time for just talking, dad jokes, waiting rooms, “close your head and bow your eyes.” Goodnight waves.

20+ missed meals, 2 missed musicals, no hugs or high fives. No welcome station or Miss Barb. No nursery. No GenOn Youth Summit (twice!). Not the same.

10-year LOGOS kids, graduating seniors, bridging from BUGS to FROG, from FROG to ROCK, from ROCK to FISH still happened. Relationships (peer and intergenerational) rolled on. God was honored.
What a year. ❤