Sisters and Brothers of CMPC,
As you are most likely aware, Pastor Hoffman will begin sabbatical on Wednesday, July 1. He will be away for four months—returning November 1st. We encourage you to continually pray for Scott and his family—that this time may be restful and rejuvenating. Of course, we all look forward to his return, but also want this time to be a true blessing for him as well as for all of us.
As we are on the verge of the beginning of the sabbatical, we thought it would be good to let you know what plans are in place while Pastor Hoffman is away.
Pulpit Supply: Scott has arranged a full schedule of pulpit supply preachers for each Sunday he will be away. The schedule includes a couple of our fellow CMPC members, preachers from the Presbytery of Baltimore, as well as Scott’s friends and colleagues from around the country (one of the silver linings of virtual worship). We very much look forward to hearing many different voices over the course of the next four months and pray you are looking forward to that as well.
Pastoral Care: Pastor Hoffman has also arranged a full schedule of local pastors who have agreed to provide on-call pastoral care during the sabbatical. Should you have need for pastoral care anytime between July 1 and October 31 please reach out to Kathleen in the church office (410-997-8011 or and she will pass your request on to the appropriate pastor. You may also communicate pastoral care needs through our CARE team volunteers. In the event of a death within the congregation, former CMPC pastor Rev. Howard Newman has graciously offered to provide coverage for funerals. Should you need his support please contact Kathleen and she will get in touch with Rev. Newman
Head of Staff: While Pastor Hoffman is away the Personnel Committee will serve as the Head of Staff (by committee) and address any staff needs
Session Moderator: The Presbytery will provide another pastor(s) from the Presbytery to moderate the session meetings during the sabbatical
We encourage you to view the recording of the Sabbatical: What to Expect presentation that was hosted via Facebook live on April 21st during which pastors who have been on sabbatical as well as members of churches whose pastors have been on sabbatical shared their experiences. Many who tuned in found it very helpful. You can find the video here:
In order to uphold the sanctity and true intention of the sabbatical we ask that you do not contact Pastor Hoffman directly while he is away. The Personnel Committee will be serving as the gatekeepers of contact with Scott. Should significant needs arise the committee will prayerfully discern whether or not to reach out to him. Please do not email, call, text, or reach out to Pastor Hoffman via social media during this time. This is a way we can tend to him as he has so faithfully tended to us over the years.
We earnestly hope that all CMPC members will keep Scott and his family in our hearts and in our prayers throughout the four-month sabbatical and beyond.
Of course, any prayer will do as our God loves to hear what is on our hearts. However, if you would like to join fellow CMPC brothers and sisters in the same prayer we recommend the following:
Holy and merciful God I/we pray you would tend to and care for our brother Scott and his family (Ashlee, Kylee, and Natalee) while he is away on sabbatical. Give him good rest. Draw him ever closer to you. Renew him—body, mind, and spirit—for his work among us here. Help him always to be a man after your own heart and to lovingly lead us to do and be the same. In the name of Jesus I/we pray. Amen.
Should you have any questions or concerns over the course of the next four months please feel free to reach out to us.
Yours in Christ,
The CMPC Personnel Committee
Phil Henderson, chair (
Bob Clemens (
Don Mitchell (