Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Ministry Expansion Update

Unfortunately, we have made little progress since the last update. The Mission Expansion Committee is still waiting to hear from the county as to when a hearing date will be set to consider our conditional use request. We are currently filing additional paperwork required by the county.

Once we are through the conditional use request process, we will submit our site plans for approval. The process for approval is much like the current process we are in for conditional use, though we will not be required to hold another public meeting.

In the meantime, the architects have set to work putting together plans that our general contractors will be able to use to get us a better sense of the cost of the project.

On the financial side, the Finance Committee (especially Assistant Treasurer Bill Anderson) has done a great deal of work researching multiple options for financing the $1.1 million we will need on top of the funds we already have in reserves, and the funds pledged in the capital campaign. Members of the committee are collecting information from a couple more sources and hope to make a final recommendation to the session in the next month or two. The goal is to have our financial plans sorted out before the funds are needed, so we do not the project unnecessarily.

Most importantly, we are eternally grateful for your encouragement, patience, and generosity as many of you continue to pay faithfully toward your campaign pledge without being able to see the progress we are making behind the scenes. Soon enough very exciting things will begin to happen. In the meantime, we appreciate your support.

As always, should you have any questions or concerns about the Ministry Expansion project please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Scott or committee chair Bob Jenkins.