LOGOS is a mid-week ministry open to all young people from preschool through high school. Every Wednesday night, all young people participate in four parts offering a “whole child” approach to Christian nurture: Bible Study, Recreation, Family Time (dinner with the church “family”) and Worship Skills.

Youth in 8th grade are able to participate in confirmation class.
Youth Retreats
Each winter, middle school and high school youth each attend their own weekend away for faith and fellowship.
GIFT Intergenerational Events
All are encouraged to attend CMPC’s GIFT events as we gather monthly for Bible study, food, and fellowship. Sometimes we will meet right after worship and other times we will meet on a Sunday evening or a Saturday morning. Sometimes we’ll keep all ages together and sometimes we have age-specific breakout sessions. We like to mix things up. There is no charge, but donations toward the meal are accepted to help defray the cost.
Vacation Bible School
Looking for an opportunity to help children grow spiritually, learn bible lessons, play games, and share Jesus’ love with others during the summer? Consider volunteering for Vacation Bible School! Youth serve in leadership and support roles for the children alongside adult mentors. Two afternoons are devoted to mission and fellowship.

GenOn Youth Summit
Youth in 8th grade and older attend GenOn Youth Summit, a week of LOGOS in Wheeling, WV with youth from all over the US. Summit provides a place for high school youth, young adults, and adult leaders time to grow in their faith, in their commitment to Christ, and in community with each other.