Nothing is more important than the loving dedication of a caregiver to a parent, spouse, family member, or
friend. Frequently, this 24-hour care is given with little or no support from others. At some point in each of
our lives, we will be faced with “being a caregiver” or “supporting a caregiver.” Gilchrist Ambassadors will
facilitate a one hour discussion on how to be a quality caregiver, handling the stress surrounding the job,
setting realistic goals and the importance of staying connected….even caregivers can live every moment to
the fullest! This discussion is not to be missed! Please plan to attend and invite your friends who may benefit
from this information.
Sunday, April 6, 2025 at 12:15pm in Fellowship Hall
Light luncheon will be provided at 11:30.
RSVP to the CMPC office by Sunday, March 30, 2025… or call 410-997-8011.