The Prayer Shawl Ministry: Knitting and Crocheting for those in Need
Since its beginning in 2005, the Prayer Shawl Ministry at Christ Memorial Presbyterian Church has been busy knitting and crocheting shawls for those in need of comfort and solace. Over 1000 shawls have been completed, blessed, and sent on to bring comfort to those in physical or spiritual need or to celebrate a happy occasion such as a marriage or birth.
In addition to knitting shawls, the Prayer Shawl Ministry members also knit blocks for Warm Up America, an organization located in North Carolina that makes blankets for those in need. We have also begun knitting Pocket Prayer Cloths. which are made to carry in your pocket, purse or even in your car. Everyone is welcome to take one to keep with them to remind them that our Good Lord is always with us. God Bless.
Most of the work is done at home, however, the group meets in community every Thursday in the church’s committee room from around 10:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Working together is important because it provides an opportunity to share and to learn from each other. Sometimes the company of others helps to make progress on a project. Beginners and experienced knitters, as well as those who crochet, are welcome to join in this ministry.
Calling All Knitters and Crocheters!!
We currently do not have any prayer shawls in our inventory and are in need. You do not have to come to the meetings to make prayer shawls (or just come when you can!)
You are welcome to knit or crochet the prayer shawls at home. We use either size 11 or 13 needles, 57 stitches. The pattern is knit 3, pearl 3. We slip the first stitch on each row and that counts for #1 of knit. It is 60 inches long.