Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

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Earth Day –Care for God’s Creatures

A Message from the Stewardship Committee Earth Day, on April 22nd each year, is a day for us to celebrate the wonders of God’s creation and to recommit ourselves to being good stewards of the many blessings we enjoy because of God’s love for us.  For 2016, the PCUSA’s Earth Day theme is “Care for God’s Creatures.”  In Genesis 1:26, God grants…

April GIFT

Last Saturday evening a little more than forty people from the youngest to the oldest gathered for our latest GIFT (Generations In Faith Together) event to share a meal, watch a movie and have conversation. We watched “Up,” a movie about Carl, a 78-year old balloon salesman who takes off on a fantastic journey of a lifetime with an unlikely companion–a young…