Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

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Rev. Scott Hoffman’s Thoughts on the Events in Charlottesville

Please click below to hear Rev. Hoffman talk about the Events in Charlottesville. *Editor’s note: in the recording Rev. Hoffman erroneously states that the Rev. Jill Duffield is the editor in chief of Presbyterians Today.  Rev. Duffield is actually editor in chief of the Presbyterian Outlook magazine.  Rev. Hoffman would like to apologize for this error. Rev. Scott Hoffman’s Thoughts on the Events…

Mars Hill Mission Trip

“For in God we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28 Living. Moving. Being. These three adjectives helped to shape the mission trip to Mars Hill this summer, creating some boundaries and guideposts during a week that was sad, joyous, tiring, renewing, and full of God’s revelations. It was remarkable. For much of the year I struggle with doubt (that’s…

GenOn Youth Summit

Christ Memorial sent eleven high schoolers, three college students and four adults for a week of faith deepening and relationship widening at the GenOn Youth Summit in Wheeling, West Virginia July 16-22. The theme of our week was “Eye of the Storm” where we learned to “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) and place our trust in God…

Session Decision on Marriage Equality

Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I write to let you know that at its monthly stated meeting last evening the session voted to approve the following motion: The Session of CMPC will not discriminate based on sexual orientation against couples who seek to hold their weddings on church grounds.   In other words, the sexual orientation of the couple will not be a…

Ethiopian Drought

Drought in Ethiopia   Eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, and Djibouti) is experiencing one of the worst droughts in decades. Since 2016, repeated cycles of reduced rainfalls and persisting political instability have led to a significant deterioration in food security and to increasing numbers of internal and cross border displacement. The number of people in crisis and in need of humanitarian intervention…

West Side Story Ministry Group

West Side Story Group Our most recent meeting was held at Christ Memorial Church during which we finalized our budget for 2018 and made some plans for the remainder of the year. Over the summer we hope to host a pastors dinner (date and location to be determined) and an Elders Breakfast (July 22, location to be determined). We are supporting a…

Preschool News May 2017

What a wonderful year we have had at Christ Memorial Christian Preschool!  It is hard to believe that we have come to summer already! Our last month was busy with many special and fun activities.  We enjoyed exploring the fun of spring, investigating plants and bugs.  The students even spent a day learning all about wonderful worms!  We studied worms in our…

Capital Campaign and Ministry Expansion update

It is hard to believe but almost two years have passed since we launched our “Grounded in Faith.  Growing to serve” capital campaign.  The campaign was a huge success on a number of fronts and we are so grateful for the continued faithful support from the members and friends of CMPC. Here is the latest from Assistant Treasurer Bill Anderson: Through the…

May Women for Women

In May, some of the ladies of CMPC met at LaPalapa in Laurel.  It was a beautiful evening, so we enjoyed some appetizers and beverages on their patio.  There were some new faces, and we spent a relaxing dinner getting to know each other.  It was a very nice evening of fellowship.  

Interim Communications Coordinator

Dear CMPC friends and members, My name is Kathleen Smith. Starting today I will be taking over as Interim Communications Coordinator from the amazing Katie Foster. I hope to make the transition smooth and continue Katie’s great work. I have been teaching at CMPC preschool since 2013.  I currently teach the five day class of pre-k. I live in Columbia with my…