Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Talks on Race & Racism

Talks on Race & Racism
In 2020 the Christian Education committee hosted a discussion of Race & Racism for our congregation. Approximately 48 people participated in at least one discussion with an average of 25 people attending each time. After this series ended, CE polled participants to determine the next steps in moving forward with this discussion. Participants indicated a preference for an outside speaker. Pastor Scott pursued a few possibilities for organizations to facilitate this formal discussion and then recommended The Center, a mission organization of the Baltimore Presbytery. The CE committee has arranged for The Center to provide a program that will lead the next part of this discussion. All members of our congregation are invited to participate in this program.
The Center will lead sessions on January 23, January 30, February 20, and February 27 by Zoom. Each of the four sessions will meet from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. The purpose of the program is to learn how to engage responsibly in our community, with a particular focus on antiracist practices.