“I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’” Psalm 122:1
And glad we are!
On Sunday, June 13th we gathered for in-person worship in the sanctuary for the first time since March 8, 2020.
We are all so grateful that we have gotten to this point and even more grateful for those who have labored in myriad ways to keep us connected and “open” as a church family since the pandemic began. Though the building has been closed, our worship, ministries, and mission have not. We have had to pivot (who’s getting tired of hearing that word?) and be creative. We have been patient and careful. We have asked the question “is it time yet?” time and time again and, finally, the answer is yes.
Not only are we worshipping once again in the sanctuary, the building is (at this time) fully open for gatherings of all types.
In order to create and maintain a safe environment we are asking everyone who enters the building for worship or other activities to abide by the protocols and procedures in the covenant linked below. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with this document. By attending worship or any other gathering in the building you will be committing to upholding this covenant in a spirit of love and community.
CMPC Re-Gathering Covenant June 2021
Of course, this covenant may well be amended in the days, weeks, and months ahead as guidelines
change and our life together adjusts. So, please come back here often to see what changes may have
been made.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns about this information please feel free to reach
out to Kathleen in the church office (office@cmpcusa.org) or Pastor Scott (pastor.hoffman@cmpcusa.org).
Welcome home! We can’t wait to see you in worship whenever you choose to join us!
PS—if you have not already signed our one-time COVID-19 waiver, please do so
here before coming back to the building for the first time. Thank you!