The Session voted unanimously to approve the 2022 Budget as prepared by the Finance Committee and to set Feb. 6 as the date of the annual congregational meeting following worship service. The budget will be presented that day, and the congregation will vote on the 2022 Pastor’s Terms of Call.
In other business, the Session elected the following persons:
- Bob Ashman and Joyce Danzig as Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, respectively;
- Judy Brown as Nominating Committee chair;
- Don Mitchell as Personnel Committee chair;
- Janene Holzberg as Clerk of Session;
- and as the Board of Trustees, as stipulated in church bylaws: President, Jeff Bloom; Vice President, Rick Mills; Secretary, Janene Holzberg; and Treasurer, Bob Ashman.
The session also decided to maintain the current COVID protocols and to revisit the matter at the February meeting.