Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland
Worship Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Marriage Equality “Listening Sessions”

Dear Brothers and Sisters of CMPC,

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ.  I pray this letter finds you well.

As you may know, over the last few months, the leaders of the congregation (elders and deacons) have engaged in conversation to discern how God is calling CMPC to respond to the changes in the PC(USA) regarding marriage equality. (In 2015, the denomination voted to allow same-sex couples to marry, though the session still has the right to approve or deny any request at the local level).  The formal conversation/discernment began at the officers’ retreat in January and has continued over the last few months.

Ultimately, the decision to allow or disallow any wedding to take place on the grounds of CMPC (for any reason) lies solely with the session.  For many reasons, the session feels strongly that the time is right to decide whether the sexual orientation of the couple will or will not be a deciding factor in the process.  The session also feels strongly that the entire congregation should be engaged in this discernment process as this has clearly been a controversial and divisive issue.

To that end, all members of CMPC are invited to participate in one of two “Listening Sessions” with church elders and deacons that will allow members to share their thoughts, listen for the Lord and to others, and engage the issue more fully with one another.  The “Listening Sessions” have been scheduled for Sunday, May 28th immediately following worship as well as Tuesday, May 30 at 7:00 pm.

It is the hope of the session that, as we prepare to make a decision at our June meeting, the “Listening Sessions” will more fully inform and guide that decision.

So, please plan to join us on either the 28th or the 30th.  Childcare will be provided.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Scott W. Hoffman


p.s.—the elders and deacons have asked me to share with you a short list of books that I provided which have been helpful to us as we have engaged in this conversation.  They are as follows:

Most recommended:

The Bible’s Yes to Same-Sex Marriage by Mark Achtemeier

Also recommended:

Scripture and Homosexuality by Marion L. Soards

Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality by Jack Rogers